Civil Engineering
With a wealth of experience in all areas of civil engineering, IDOM Merebrook’s engineers can offer bespoke engineering consultancy services throughout the life of a project.
Our capability covers all stages of the construction process, from initial site appraisals, through planning, to detailed tender designs and support during construction. The earlier we are involved in a project the better: innovative engineering solutions can often be identified at a very early stage of the planning process, offering more opportunities to add value to your project.
Close links with our Environmental team mean that often, the more difficult projects (for instance, formerly industrial, contaminated sites with unusual engineering constraints) offer the best possibilities for us to provide added value to our clients.
Whether you require a full understanding of ground conditions, highway design, flooding, or complex drainage issues, our all-round approach, and innovative SuDS based drainage solutions can enhance profitability and the chances of trouble-free project completion.
Where we have been involved in the initial design stages of a project, we can continue to support clients with tender preparation, contract administration, and site supervision services.
From feasibility to project completion and at every stage in between, we are committed to providing excellent, pragmatic engineering services, realising true value for our clients.
• Site Appraisal
• Highways alterations and adoptions
• Sustainable drainage (SuDS) design
• Flood risk assessment
• Ground-modelling and earthworks evaluation
• Geotechnical assessment and foundation design
• Tender preparation and contract administration
• Principle Designer
• Site supervision