What we do

Environmental Compliance

Environmental assessment is vital for almost all engineering projects and industrial sector concerns today whether looking at the detailed impact on the general environment or specific emissions generated by an operation.

The UK has a legacy of environmental pollution resulting from poorly regulated industrial processes in the past. In recent years, increasingly stringent regulations and controls on emissions have been introduced in an attempt to limit the effect of the climate crisis.

We support our clients in understanding and achieving the required regulatory standards in order to minimise impacts on the environment.

Environmental Compliance

Environmental Monitoring and Control

Environmental Monitoring and Control
Construction works, if not adequately controlled, can have an adverse impact on existing residents and sensitive habitats in close proximity, however it is not possible to undertake major projects without some impact on the environment.

IDOM Merebrook can design and undertake monitoring programmes for a variety of media including air quality, dust, environmental noise, electro-magnetic spectrum, water environment, air-borne asbestos fibres, ground gases and vibration. All of these are undertaken by our in-house teams of trained specialists.

At IDOM Merebrook we tailor our input to address site-specific requirements. We ensure that an appropriate monitoring strategy is put in place which reflects the sensitivity of the area. This can range from monthly monitoring and reporting to full preparation of the overarching Construction Environmental Management Plan including relevant risk assessments and recommendations for mitigation.

Our services include:
• Dust Management Plans
• Noise and Vibration Management Plans
• Odour Management Plans
• Construction Environmental Management Plans
• Dust and PM10 Monitoring
• Noise and Vibration Monitoring
• Airborne Asbestos Fibre Monitoring

Environmental Permitting

IDOM Merebrook has extensive experience providing support to clients with respect to environmental permitting, whether it be prior to application, the application process, or varying or surrendering permits. Environmental permits allow the holder to carry out works which, without proper control, would have the potential to cause environmental harm.

The preparation of applications for environmental permits requires detailed understanding of all the processes and activities planned, their potentials for emissions and the means of monitoring and controlling these. Our engineers have the expert knowledge, experience and skills to undertake the necessary analyses.

IDOM Merebrook can deal with the full assessment and application process or work with clients to ensure that their application is compliant. We can hold pre-planning consultations, make applications and prepare supporting documents.

Our services include:
• Production and Management of Bespoke and Standard Rules Applications
• Completion of Application Forms
• Permit Variations
• Permit Surrender Applications
• Groundwater Abstraction and Discharge Licensing
• Environmental Risk Assessments
• Site Condition Reports
• Best Available Technique Assessments
• Air Emission Risk Assessment (including dispersion modelling)
• Medium Combustion Plant
• Noise and Vibration Management Plans
• Odour Assessment
• Dust and Odour Management Plans
• Air Quality and Noise Monitoring
• Environmental Management Systems
• Accident Management Plans

Medium Combustion Plant

The Environmental Permitting Regulations for England and Wales (or Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations in Scotland) require regulators to control certain activities which could harm the environment or human health by requiring operators to hold a permit and demonstrate compliance with the attached conditions. The team at IDOM Merebrook can assist with all aspects of environmental permit application, variation and surrender.

The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 came into force on 30 January 2018. These Regulations amend the 2016 Regulations to add provisions relating to Medium Combustion Plant (MCP) (defined as combustion plant with a rated thermal input between 1 and 50 MW). The 2018 Regulations transpose the requirement of the Medium Combustion Plant Directive which lays down rules to control emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust from MCPs.

Consequently, an environmental permit is now required to operate MCP (including combined heat and power units) which fall within the remit of the regulations. Different application and compliance deadlines have been set depending on the size of the MCP and whether it is classed as existing (operating before 20 December 2018) or new.

The first step in the process is to determine whether the proposal meets the criteria of any of the Standard Rules permits. Standard Rules permits present a more streamlined application process and attract a lower application fee. If the required conditions are not met, a bespoke application is required. This can be either a simple (low risk) or detailed (high risk) bespoke permit depending on the distance to the nearest sensitive habitats site. An application for a detailed bespoke permit is required to be accompanied by detailed air dispersion modelling. Our air quality team are well acquainted with the Environment Agency guidance on preparing air emissions risk assessments as part of permit applications.

The task of applying for an environmental permit can be daunting and time-consuming. Even determining the type of permit required can be challenging. Our team are here to provide expert guidance to streamline the process and ensure that the relevant application requirements are satisfied. We are happy to tailor our input to provide the level of support you need.

Dust Management and Monitoring Plans

Dust generation is frequently associated with demolition and construction activities as well as operations at minerals and waste sites. The management of dust is crucial to avoid nuisance at nearby sensitive receptors and to avoid potential adverse effects on sensitive habitats and species.

At IDOM, we have extensive experience in developing Dust Management Plans based on a robust assessment of risks which takes into account the anticipated scale of dust generation as a result of site activities in combination with the sensitivity of the surrounding land use.

Our team will work with you to develop customised solutions to control and mitigate risks associated with dust exposure. We ensure that the proposed measures are practical and effective whilst ensuring compliance with the relevant planning or permit conditions. Our output ranges from the production of standalone Dust Management Plans to coordination of overarching Construction Environment Management Plans depending upon project requirements.

We carefully evaluate the requirement for monitoring to demonstrate the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures and design bespoke monitoring strategies which reflect the project specifics and the sensitivity of the receiving environment. At high-risk sites, the use of real-time text alerts ensures that the site manager is able to respond to incidents before a nuisance is caused. At lower risk sites, visual or periodic, roving monitoring may be sufficient.

Early engagement ensures that an appropriate monitoring strategy is put in place which reflects the sensitivity of the area. This will also ensure that adequate cost provision is made and avoid unforeseen additional expense.

Environmental Permitting

Registered Office

Idom Merebrook Limited, Cromford Mills, Mill Lane, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3RQ

tel: 01773 829 988    email: info.derbyshire@idom.com