
Land north of Water Lane, Angmering

Pre-planning: Rydon Homes / Gleeson Strategic Land; Post Planning: Cala Homes


Major development comprising delivery of 525 residential dwellings, 3 ha of employment land, public open space, play areas, access, associated infrastructure and landscaping.

The project involves development of a site with a mixed history, some of which is greenfield and part which was occupied until recently by a motor racing circuit complete with racetrack and spectator embankments.

IDOM have managed land contamination aspects of this project from its inception in 2015 to its imminent delivery with a start on site in 2023.

  • Desk study and preliminary site investigation to support successful planning application
  • Geotechnical assessment
  • Site investigation and groundwater monitoring to support drainage strategy
  • Outline Remedial Method Statement
  • Supplementary Site Investigation for detailed remedial design and abnormals costings
  • Detailed Remedial Method Statement to allow discharge of conditions
  • Soil Resource Management Plan for greenfield soil resource
  • Materials Management Plan for re-use of brownfield soils
St Christophers

Registered Office

Idom Merebrook Limited, Cromford Mills, Mill Lane, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3RQ

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