
Mornings Mill Farm, Polegate

The Vine Family

This strategic site occupying 51.21 hectares will provide a large residential led scheme with employment land, leisure facilities, a school and recreation land uses.

We provided Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) scoping and coordination support collating technical reports, environmental statement and non-technical summary for submission. We produced chapters on flood risk and drainage strategy, utilities, ecology and Habitat Regulations Assessment, ground conditions, air quality and noise impact, all of which fed into the detailed layout design as part of a multi-disciplinary engineering and environmental support services.

At the time of the planning application there was effectively a moratorium on development within Wealden due to concerns regarding impacts on Ashdown Forest. The forest has been a designated as a Special Area of Conservation which is of European importance due to it containing one of the largest single continuous blocks of lowland heath in southeast England. As part of the Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) we undertook detailed modelling of potential air quality impacts associated with increased traffic through the forest.

We provided technical support and advice to our client during two subsequent planning appeals in relation to the impact of atmospheric pollution on Ashdown Forest, site drainage, flood risk and water quality. Planning permission for the scheme was granted in 2022.

  • Air quality assessment
  • Assessment of air quality impacts on sensitive ecological sites
  • Phase 1 Environmental Assessment
  • Noise impact assessment
  • Flood risk assessment
  • Drainage Strategy
  • Regulator liaison
  • EIA coordination
  • Environmental Statement chapters
  • Expert Witness
St Christophers